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Richard Turton
Professor, Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
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  • Analysis Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes 5th Edition

Analysis Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes 5th Edition

Analysis, Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes - Fifth Edition - Richard A. Turton, Joseph A. Shaeiwitz, Debangsu Bhattacharyya, Wallace B. Whiting - Prentice Hall International Series in the Physical and Chemical Engineering Sciences

The Leading Integrated Chemical Process Design Guide: With Extensive Coverage of Equipment Design and Other Key Topics

More than ever, effective design is the focal point of sound chemical engineering. Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes, Fifth Edition, presents design as a creative process that integrates the big-picture and small details, and knows which to stress when and why. Realistic from start to finish, it moves readers beyond classroom exercises into open-ended, real-world problem solving. The authors introduce up-to-date, integrated techniques ranging from finance to operations, and new plant design to existing process optimization.

The fifth edition includes updated safety and ethics resources and economic factors indices, as well as an extensive, new section focused on process equipment design and performance, covering equipment design for common unit operations, such as fluid flow, heat transfer, separations, reactors, and more.

  • Conceptualization and analysis: process diagrams, configurations, batch processing, product design, and analyzing existing processes
  • Economic analysis: estimating fixed capital investment and manufacturing costs, measuring process profitability, and more
  • Synthesis and optimization: process simulation, thermodynamic models, separation operations, heat integration, steady-state and dynamic process simulators, and process regulation
  • Chemical equipment design and performance: a full section of expanded and revamped coverage of designing process equipment and evaluating the performance of current equipment
  • Advanced steady-state simulation: goals, models, solution strategies, and sensitivity and optimization results
  • Dynamic simulation: goals, development, solution methods, algorithms, and solvers
  • Societal impacts: ethics, professionalism, health, safety, environmental issues, and green engineering
  • Interpersonal and communication skills: working in teams, communicating effectively, and writing better reports

This text draws on a combined 55 years of innovative instruction at West Virginia University (WVU) and the University of Nevada, Reno. It includes suggested curricula for one- and two-semester design courses, case studies, projects, equipment cost data, and extensive preliminary design information for jump-starting more detailed analyses.

Capcost 2017

The latest version of Capcost (Capcost_2017.xlsm) is a Microsoft Excel macro-enabled file that allows the calculation of Equipment Costs, Total Plant Cost, Cost of Manufacturing (COMd), cash flow analysis, and Monte Carlo simulations of cash flows.The program was developed for use with the textbook Analysis, Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes, fifth edition, by Turton, Shaeiwitz, Bhattacharyya, and Whiting and available from Prentice Hall Publishing.

Updates may be posted occasionally but there is no specified timetable for such updates. If you believe that you have found a bug in the program you may email me at, I will respond with a confirmation that I have received your email and I will log your input. I generally do not respond to these emails other than to acknowledge receipt of them. The program is user friendly and the basis for all the calculations are laid out in Chapters 7-10 and Appendix A of the text book. If you have questions about any of the equations please refer to the text.

Other Programs and Resources

Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis Analysis and Design (HENSAD)

This program has been available from the 3rd edition onwards and is available for download from this site. This program has not been updated and is no longer supported. However, students still use it and may find it helpful for understanding the material given in Chapter 15 of the text book. There are a couple of known bugs in the code:

If the problem does not have a pinch then the program may not give the correct diagrams

The heat exchanger cost function in the Optimum Δ T tab does not take account of multiple shells in a given temperature interval for close temperature approaches and so the capital costs are lower than they should be.

Virtual Plant Tour

A series of short video clips are given to illustrate some of the concepts in Chapter 1 of the text book. These are rather dated but again may be helpful to students and are also available for download from this site.